Riverbank Public School

Learning to live - living to learn

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Restorative practice and wellbeing

Restorative practice and student wellbeing

Restorative Practices form the relational basis for Quality Teaching and Learning at Riverbank Public School. Our Restorative practice framework, because of its explicit nature, offers a common language and practice capable of fostering healthy relationships.  

Student achievement is enhanced through Restorative values being embedded as a way of being and learning together.  Our approach fosters individual responsibility and helps develop empathy. Inappropriate behaviour or choices and mistakes can be viewed as an opportunity for insight, learning and development in both the academic and social domains.  

The explicit Restorative framework is inextricably linked to the Quality Teaching Framework and includes the following sets of questions to be asked by children, teachers and parents. 

Wellbeing Policy

When things go wrong

  • What happened?
  • What were you thinking of at the time?
  • What have you thought about since?
  • Who has been affected by what you have done? In  what way?
  • What do you think you may do to make things right?

When someone has been hurt

  • What did you think when you realised what happened?
  • What impact has this incident had on you and others?
  • What has been the hardest thing for you?
  • What do think needs to happen to make things right?

The process is empowering as it takes people from the past to the present and gives them hope for the future. It empowers them to make things right and heal any harm that has been done.

A restorative classroom setting is one that values dialogue through an inclusive approach where everyone expects to be heard and through this participatory process students develop the capacity to learn that emotions are an important and legitimate expression of healthy dialogue.

This process helps students to deal with conflict, tensions and difference in respectful ways that engender trust and foster healthy relationships

Help increase the peace keys (HIP)

Student wellbeing reflected in our HIP keys

The HIP program offers a whole school approach to building relationships through communication, cooperation, trust building and conflict resolution.

Green key

Think before reacting by

  • playing safely
  • playing in bounds
  • walking in the classrooms, and school building
  • thinking before saying or doing something
  • showing independence and initiative

Blue key

Respect yourself by

  • telling the truth consistently (integrity)
  • handing in property you find
  • using appropriate language
  • caring for the school
  • being polite
  • caring for your own things
  • caring for your classroom
  • being accountable for your actions

Yellow key

Care for others by

  • being kind, considerate and helpful
  • sharing
  • being friendly
  • using build ups
  • listening, speaking in turn
  • speaking quietly                             

Red key

Work together for a non violent way by

  •  listening to others' points of view
  •  being a responsible bystander
  •  using build ups
  •  keeping hands, feet, objects to yourself
  •  using positive body language
  • actively engaging in learning
  • cooperating in a team environment
  • creating a safe positive climate
  • making things right after harm has been done

Black key

Expect the best by

  •  making an effort with school work
  •  completing homework
  •  asking for help when you don't understand
  •  following instructions
  • knowing you will be listened to
  • looking at situations in a positive way
  • having a go, taking a risk
  • knowing a mistake is just a ‘muck-up' and we learn from it
  • striving for excellence            
  • being committed to lifelong learning