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Riverbank Public School

Riverbank Public School

Learning to live - living to learn

Telephone02 9626 7511


Principal's message

Dear Parents and Carers, 


Our Riverbank Public School community has established an inclusive, collaborative and challenging learning environment built on high expectations, where evidence-informed practices are distributed through educational leadership. The school’s vision is based on strong foundations of equity and excellence in education. We aim to continue building on our rich and diverse community partnerships, through respectful restorative relationships, that collaboratively empowers student agency and feedback, so that every student is well-prepared for life as informed, critical thinkers with a deep appreciation for learning.

We strive to build a safe, inclusive and secure learning environment. Our Restorative Practice approach provides a framework for building respectful relationships, effective communication, personal and social responsibility and a sense of belonging.

Our professional and collegial teachers, supported by our dedicated administrative staff, are committed to continually improving their teaching practice, using their expertise to create balanced and challenging learning programs tailored to the needs of each student. A wide variety of in-school and extra curricula programs enhance student learning.

Students, staff, parents and community members are encouraged to participate in all aspects of school life. Parents are valued as true partners in the education of their children, contributing their initiative, energy, time and expertise to the school. At Riverbank Public School, all students have the opportunity to attain knowledge, skills, values and attitudes enabling them to be reflective, self-sufficient and self-motivated lifelong learners.

Our school year is full of major highlights and special events which we value and celebrate together as a school community. Along with these, we strive to provide our students with small highlights every day they come to school. These highlights are celebrated with their classmates, their teachers and their families.

The school's motto, 'Learning to Live, Living to Learn', reinforces a broad and enriched curriculum which not only focuses on the development of literacy and numeracy skills, but also on the social and emotional wellbeing of the students whilst respecting a culturally diverse community.

I look forward to welcoming you to our school community.


Yours sincerely,

Mrs Jeanie Brown
