Below is a list of all current information and permission notes, sorted by year. Permission and/or medical notes need to be returned to the school by the date requested. Children are unable to attend the event until the note/s are returned.
All notes are sent home and placed on the school School bytes app or alternatively a copy can be found in the school foyer.
Please note that the NSW Education Act (1990) sections 22 and 23 clearly states that attendance at school is compulsory until the age of 17 years. Therefore the school cannot condone or make special provisions for students taking leave for family holidays during school term time. This includes the provision of supplementary or alternative classwork, online tasks or alternative assessment. Such family recreation and travel should instead be planned for school holiday periods. Leave greater than 20 school days will not be approved. Extensive leave may result in your child being unenrolled from the school.
Whole School Notes